Community School Event Flyer

Washington Middle is holding its first Community School event. The goal of this event is to connect with community members, so they can learn about the Full-Service Community School (FSCS) initiative. The initiative takes a whole community approach, connecting with and supporting students, schools, families and our community. 

Community School events are a vital step in paving the way for the needs assessment survey. This upcoming survey allows FSCS coordinators to identify needs in the community based on responses from students, parents, business leaders, non-profit organizations and residents. 

In November, the Johnston City School District hired Ronda Koch for the middle school’s FSCS coordinator position. She spent 13 years as a public health director, in addition to work with child protective agencies and as owner/manager of a successful drug and alcohol training and consulting company specializing in youth within the judicial system. 

During that time, the Johnston City School District also hired Heather Miller for the high school’s FSCS coordinator position. Miller has a diverse background in social work, counseling, and human services. She’s spent her career helping individuals and families access resources. 

This Community School event is taking place during the last home game for the boys basketball team on Wednesday, January 29th. A table will be set up in the gym lobby from 5 to 8:45 p.m. Koch will be in attendance to meet with members of the community, share more information about this initiative, and answer any questions.  

Washington Middle School is holding a FREE raffle where those who stop by can enter to win Walmart gift cards valued at $50 and $100. The winners of the raffle will be announced at halftime during the 8th grade boys basketball game. The table will also be filled with goodies like lip balm, lotions, mini flashlights, kids toys, and treats.