Parents and Students
Washington Middle School Families,
Below you will find updated information regarding our morning drop off and pick up routines and procedures.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
Morning Drop-Off Times:
Breakfast will be served from 7:45a.m.-8:05a.m.
Please drop your student off in one of the following locations:
North Side of the building around the Scout Cabin loop. Please pull around the loop in the right hand lane and drop your student off at the sidewalk.
East Side of the building, heading North on Adams Street. Please remain in the right hand lane and drop your student off in front of the East Side cafeteria door. Please do not pass cars on the right or left side.
Class begins at 8:05, any students arriving after this time will need to enter through the main office doors and will be marked tardy for the day.
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures:
Dismissal Time: 2:41p.m.
Please pick up your student in one of the following areas:
You may park in the lot in front of the pavilions and wait for your student to exit the building.
You may use the Scout Cabin loop to pick up your child. Please park on the right hand side of the road around the loop to wait for your child to be dismissed. Once your child enters your vehicle you may use the left hand side of the road to exit. The left lane will only be used for flowing traffic. DO NOT PARK on the LEFT side of the loop.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. Thank you for your continued support.
School Supply Lists for 2024/2025
Student Health Forms